Vol. 42 No. 1 (2018): JANUARY-FEBUARY

					View Vol. 42 No. 1 (2018): JANUARY-FEBUARY

From data to information, from information to knowledge. Every medical article is only a piece of knowledge. Production of knowledge is not the privilege to only those with rich capital. Limitation is only a perception. Novice medical student can produce medical information even with the certain limit of time and resources. In this issue, we provide the medical articles by the medical students who by now are medical graduates. Integrating research-based learning is a part of the medical education revolution at Khon Kaen Medical Education Center.

We cannot level up our society by saying nothing and do nothing. Be courage, be yourself, stand out, help each other and start now.

Thammasorn Jeeeraaumponwat, M.D., Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief of The Clinical Academi

Published: 2018-02-25

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