Vol. 40 No. 1 (2016): JANUARY-FEBUARY

					View Vol. 40 No. 1 (2016): JANUARY-FEBUARY

Since the dawn of 2016, The Clinical Academia have been published in English only. We will publish more often, six issues a year or every two months. Ethics will be the area we focus on with the practical strategic plan. As we are a part of Asean Citation Index (ACI) after we have been long in Class I of the Thai Citation Index (TCI) since the beginning of the introduction of classification system in Thailand. High quality is the must. Our passion to bring out the best in every research presented in this journal and deliver properly to our audiences is still going on. It would be no more or no less when we talking about medicine. The world of medicine always moves forward. Here now and then are its places. Keep going is the best suggestion for all of us. Gather the most of evidences before make any decisions, read between the lines to see the real information without bias. There is not thing such a panacea. Evidences are still needed for the maximum benefit of the mankind. Hope you enjoy reading our yellow issue of The Clinical Academia.

Published: 2016-02-25

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