Analgesic Effect of Lidocaine Spray during Endometrial Biopsy: A randomized controlled trial

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Maneenuch Sripha
Chuenkamon Charakorn
Navamol Lekskul
Arb-aroon Lertkhachonsuk


Objective: To investigate the effect of lidocaine spray applied on the cervical surface in pain reduction of patients undergoing endometrial biopsy using the Endosampler instrument.

Materials and methods: A double blinded randomized controlled study was conducted in 100 women undergoing endometrial biopsy. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either lidocaine spray or placebo. Visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess patients’ pain at three points of the procedure (speculum insertion, cannula insertion and after speculum removal). The satisfaction of the procedure was evaluated by patients and doctors using five point Likert scale.

Results: Endometrial biopsy was successfully performed in 100 patients. The median VAS pain score during cannula insertion in the Lidocaine group was 5.0 which was lower than 5.5 in the placebo group without statistical significance.

Conclusion: Lidocaine spray application on cervix before endometrial biopsy did not significantly reduce pain in patients who underwent this procedure.

Keywords: Endometrial biopsy, Lidocaine spray, Pain score, Randomized controlled trial

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How to Cite
Sripha, M.; Charakorn, C.; Lekskul, N.; Lertkhachonsuk, A.- aroon. Analgesic Effect of Lidocaine Spray during Endometrial Biopsy: A randomized controlled trial. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 2018, 26, 190-197.
Original Article


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