Female Sexual Dysfunction among Thai Women Using Hormonal Contraception versus Tubal Sterilization

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Waratchaya Witsawapaisan
Jen Sothornwit
Lingling Salang
Pranom Buppasiri


Objectives: Contraception is accepted worldwide by women to prevent unintended pregnancy. This study was aimed to evaluate female sexual function in women using hormonal contraception and tubal sterilization.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Sexually active women 20-45 years old who used hormonal contraception or underwent tubal sterilization for at least 3 months were included. The participants self-completed the Thai version of the female sexual function index (FSFI) questionnaire to determine female sexual dysfunction (FSD) which consisted of six domains including sexual desire, sexual arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction and pain. Demographic data were collected.
Results: A total of 310 women were recruited for this study. There were 155 participants who used hormonal contraception (79 used oral combined contraceptive pills, 56 used the depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) and 20 used an implant) and 155 women underwent tubal sterilization. The prevalence of FSD was 70.9% and 64.5% in hormonal contraception group and tubal sterilization group. There was no statistically significant difference in the FSD between the groups (p = 0.224). The overall median FSFI score for hormonal contraception users was marginally and statistically significantly lower than tubal sterilization group (p = 0.054). Meanwhile, parity was the only significant associated factor that affected the FSD (adjusted odds ratio 3.32, 95% confidence interval 1.43 - 7.70).
Conclusion: The prevalence of FSD was high in both hormonal contraception users and the tubal sterilization group. Parity was the only significant associated factor that affected FSD.

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How to Cite
Witsawapaisan, W.; Sothornwit, J. .; Salang, L. . .; Buppasiri , P. . Female Sexual Dysfunction among Thai Women Using Hormonal Contraception versus Tubal Sterilization. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 2022, 30, 178-187.
Original Article


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