Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy with Single Abnormal Value of 100-Gram Oral Glucose Tolerance Test at a Tertiary Hospital in Thailand
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Objectives: To determine the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in pregnancy with a single abnormal value of the 100-gram oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) after repeating for 1 month and to compare adverse pregnancy outcomes between pregnant women with a single abnormal value of the 100-gram OGTT and those with a normal 100-gram OGTT.
Materials and Methods: The retrospective cohort study was conducted from 1 August 2018 until 30 May 2021. Three hundred twenty-four pregnant women with a single abnormal value of 100-gram OGTT were recruited into a study group, while 365 pregnant women with normal 100-gram OGTT were recruited into a control group. In the study group, we repeated the second OGTT within one month to determine the incidence of GDM. Maternal and perinatal outcomes were then compared between the two groups.
Results: The incidences of GDMA2 and GDMA1 in pregnancy with a single abnormal test were 7.1% and 25%, respectively. Between the two groups, pregnancies in the study group were older (34.4 ± 7.3 vs. 29.3 ± 6.7, p < 0.001). Gestational hypertension (1 (0.3%) and 8 (2.5%), p = 0.027) and neonatal hypoglycemia (6 (1.6%) and 18 (5.6%), p = 0.005) were the adverse outcome that was higher in the study group with statistical differences.
Conclusion: Pregnant women with a single abnormal value of 100-gram OGTT developed a high incidence rate of GDM, gestational hypertension and neonatal hypoglycemia.
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