The Important factors in Preimplantation Embryo Development

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Saifon Chawanpaiboon
Vitaya Titapant


According to the limitation of the ethics, law and the resources of human embryo for studying, the knowledge of human embryo after fertilisation was adverse to obtain. The first report of the studying of preimplantation embryo which demonstrated the anatomy and morphology of preimplantation and early preimplantation stages by using the hysterectomy specimens was performed by Hertig(1). However, these knowledge was still difficult to obtain, until the organisation of modern technique of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) for the management of infertile couples for 25 years ago. This useful technique offers a lot of knowledge of the human embryos, including the early stages human embryogenesis and the factors related the human embryogenesis; nevertheless, the progression of knowledge is still slow. A few number of embryos left for studying are obtained because the major aim of IVF creating embryos by IVF technique is for the therapeutic, not for researches. 

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How to Cite
Chawanpaiboon, S. .; Titapant, V. . The Important Factors in Preimplantation Embryo Development. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 2000, 12, 173-180.
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