Risk Factors Associated with Low Apgar Score of Newborn at One Minute

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Supannee Praditsathawong
Sugunlaya Nimitsurachat


Objective To determine the risk factors of delivery newborn with Apgar score equal or less than 7 at 1 minute.

Method From October 1997 to September 1999, 180 cases of newborn who had 1 minute Apgar score equal or less than 7 were studied. Control cases were cases of newborn who had 1 minute Apgar score more than 7, born follow the study cases in ratio case : control 1:2. Forteen risk factors were grouping and using Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analysis to find out real risk factors.

Results Using multiple logistic regression risk factors which were significantly associated with newborn Apgar score 57 at 1 minute were pregnancy induced hypertension (OR = 12.83, 2.511 - 65.561), prolonged second stage (OR = 8.73, 2.229 - 34.192), moderate to thick meconium stained of amniotic fluid (OR = 5.063, 2.606 - 9.831), breech presentation (OR = 3.93, 1.693 - 9.144), gestational age less than 37 weeks (OR = 3.74, 1.764 - 7.928), and birth weight < 2500 g. (OR = 2.11, 1.071 - 4.139).

Conclusion Most of the risk factors of low Apgar score newborn at 1 minute were simple to identify. Early detection and appropriate care should decrease newborn of low Apgar score. 

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How to Cite
Praditsathawong , S. .; Nimitsurachat, S. . Risk Factors Associated with Low Apgar Score of Newborn at One Minute. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 2000, 12, 277-282.
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