Serum osteocalcin and urine type I collagen degradation product in women within the first five years after menopause

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Vorapong Phupong
Nimit Taechakraichana
Kobchitt Limpaphayom


Objective To study the level of serum osteocalcin and urine type I collagen degradation product of women who entered menopause within the first five years. regular alcohol consumption.

Main outcome measure Level of serum osteocalcin and urine type I collagen degradation product were measured by ELISA method. Kits tests were manufactured from Osteometre A/S, Denmark. For serum osteocalcin, the measuring range was 4.7-75 ng/ml. Between-run and within-run coefficient of variation's were 4.74 % and 4.27 %, respectively. For urine type I collagen degradation product, the measuring range was 100-6,750 mg/ml. Between-run and within-run coefficient of variation's were 6.60 % and 4.68 %, respectively. Statistics Descriptive statistics were used to calculate mean and standard deviation.

Results One hundred and eleven subjects were recruited for the study. Mean standard deviation of serum osteocalcin of the studied population was 20.747.76 ng/ml. Considering the serum level at each menopausal year, the mean serum level of osteocalcin at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years after menopause were 18.74+7.81, 21.66+6.95, 23.92+8.88, 21.46+6.36 and 17.8327.59 ng/ml, respectively. Mean - standard deviation of urine type I collagen degradation product of the studied population was 268.88£129.05 mg/mol creatinine. The urine level of type I collagen degradation product in women at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years after menopause were 228.5+91.6, 269.93127.5, 325.5=163.2, 267+126.5 and 256.12121.2 mg/mol creatinine, respectively.

Conclusions The level of serum osteocalcin and urine type I collagen degradation product obtained in this study was the mean level in women who entered menopause within the first five years and visited Chulalongkorn hospital. It was found that there was a tendency of these markers to increase and it seemed to be highest at the third year and then decreased. However, further prospective study is needed to confirm this changes.

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How to Cite
Phupong, V. .; Taechakraichana, N. .; Limpaphayom, K. . Serum osteocalcin and urine type I collagen degradation product in women within the first five years after menopause. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1998, 10, 161-165.
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