Prenatal Diagnosis of Alpha Thalassemia: Using Ascitic or Pleural fluid as a source for DNA Analysis

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A. Ketupanya
K. Torcharus
C. Suvanasophon


Hydrops fetalis means an excess of total body water, which accumulates extra cellularly and in serous cavity of the fetus. The fetal ascitic and pleural fluid were known to be contained fetal lymphocytes. To evaluate the cause of the hydrops fetalis, DNA analysis and karyotyping can be successfully done from the fetal ascitic and pleural fluid. We reported two cases of Hydrops fetalis : Case 1. Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis diagnosed by DNA amplification using the PCR technique, performed on the fetal ascitic fluid. Case 2. Idiopathic Hydrops fetalis diagnosed on the basis of normal karyotype and DNA anlysis, performed on the fetal pleural fluid.

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Ketupanya, A. .; Torcharus, K. .; Suvanasophon, C. Prenatal Diagnosis of Alpha Thalassemia: Using Ascitic or Pleural Fluid As a Source for DNA Analysis. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1998, 10, 93-96.
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