Programme for the Promotion of Sexual Health

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Nikorn Dusitsin
Jean Barry


Human sexual health has become a major concern for health professionals and psychosocial helpers in Thailand. Changing value and practices, as well as the spectre of AIDS, point out to the needs for accurate information about human sexuality. Sexual behavior remains something that is not discussed either in public, whether it be in schools and colleges, temples and churches, health care institutions, nor in private, among partners, among friends and definitely not with children at home. Therefore, there is an urgent need for competent educators, counsellors and therapists who can address issues of sexuality and dispel misunderstandings. There is also a need for research to understand better the problems as they exist in Thai society and monitor selected relevant strategies. The programme on Human Sexual Health is designed to fulfill these needs. The programme includes four components : Information, Counselling, Sexuality therapy, and Research. Teams of qualified professionals in these areas, include general medical practitioners, gynaecologists, psychiatrists, counselling psychologists and researchers. Human sexual health being closely related to wellness, reproduction, family and the quality of life, interventions to help people in this area will ultimately benefit the society in general.

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How to Cite
Dusitsin, N. .; Barry, J. Programme for the Promotion of Sexual Health. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1998, 10, 1-8.
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