Randomized Trial of Intrabifurcation of Aorta Infusion by Mitomycin- C versus Mitomycin-C Plus Cisplatinum for Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix Stage II-III

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Somchaya Neungton
Sumrit Senapad
Chaiyod Thirapakawong
Mongkol Benjapibal
Nara Vaeusorn
Issaracha Suphanit
Pattanart Wactharasawee
Ploenpit Thamnipa


Objective To compare the efficacy of intrabifurcation of aorta infusion by mitomycin-C (arm A) and mitomycin-C plus cisplatinum (arm B) as a neoadjuvant therapy to surgery or radiotherapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix stage II-III.

Subjects Sixty patients of cervical squamous cell carcinoma stage Il-111 who refused the standard radiation therapy were recruited between February 1987- December 1992.

Main outcome measures Response rate, drug toxicities, recurrent rate, 5-years survival.

Results The evaluable patients included 30 cases of each arm. Arm-A achieved the response rate of 96.7% with clinical complete response of 66.7%, where as 100.0% and 83.3% response rate in arm-B (P >0.05), the pathological complete response rate was 50.0% and 60.0% in arm A and B respectively (P >0.05). The recurrence or metastases of responders after surgery and adjuvant treatment was found in 17.2% in arm-A, and 13.3% of arm-B (p > 0.05). The overall 5-years survival of both arms were similar (90.0%). The drugs toxicities were tolerable.

Conclusion The neoadjuvant chemosurgical single dose intrabifurcation of aorta infusion either mitomycin-C alone or mitomycin-C plus cisplatinum in the treatment of cervical squamous cell carcinoma stage 11-111 showed no significant difference in response rate, toxicities, recurrence, and overall 5-years survival. 

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How to Cite
Neungton, S.; Senapad, S. .; Thirapakawong, C. .; Benjapibal, M. .; Vaeusorn, N.; Suphanit, I. .; Wactharasawee, P. .; Thamnipa, P. . Randomized Trial of Intrabifurcation of Aorta Infusion by Mitomycin- C versus Mitomycin-C Plus Cisplatinum for Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix Stage II-III. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1997, 9, 23-27.
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