Effect of Citrate, Tris and Earle's Salt Solutions in Cryopreservative Media on the Percentage of Postthaw Motility and Cryosurvival Rate of Human Sperm

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Anek Aribarg
Nares Sukcharoen
Yenchit Chanprasit
Ken Boonmau


The effects of citrate, Tris, and Earle's salt solution in cryopre servative media on the postthaw motility and cryosurvival rate of human sperm were compared. Each of eighty two ejaculates from donors and husbands was divided into three aliquots. Each aliquot was mixed with one of the three different media : 1) Citrate-egg yolk-glycerol, 2) Tris-egg yolk-glycerol, 3) Earle's salt so lution-egg yolk-glycerol. The mixtures were vapour frozen, and stored at - 196°C. The percentage of sperm motility and cryosurvival rate were compared 30 minutes after thawing. Average percentage of sperm motility and cryosurvival rate after thawing for citrate, Tris, and Earle's salt solution were 26.4 + 13.1%, 44.2 + 15.1%, 25.7 11.6%, 42.7 – 14.6% and 27.8 17.2%, 54.3 + 15.6%, respectively. No statistically significant differences were found in sperm motility and cryosurvival rate obtained following thawing according to three media. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1995;7:15-23.) 

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How to Cite
Aribarg, A.; Sukcharoen, N. .; Chanprasit, Y.; Boonmau, K. . Effect of Citrate, Tris and Earle’s Salt Solutions in Cryopreservative Media on the Percentage of Postthaw Motility and Cryosurvival Rate of Human Sperm. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1995, 7, 15-23.
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