Prediction of Fetal Distress by Low Intra-amniotic Lysozyme Level

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Milan M. Terzic
Darko Plecas
Mirko M. Bulajic
Bojan Stimec
Bratislav Velimirovic


Lysozyme activity was determined in amniotic fluid samples of 82 pregnant women at the end of gestation (37-40 wks). Forty eight specimens were from normal, while 34 were taken from high-risk pregnancies: Rh-alloim munisastion, hydramnios, diabetes mellitus complicated by pregnancy-induced hypertension, diabetes mellitus with Rh-alloimmunisation, and Rh-alloimmunisation complicated by pregnancy-induced hypertension. Signs of fetal distress were present in 18 high-risk pregnancies. Lysozyme concentration in amniotic fluid was signifi cantly lower in patients with signs of fetal distress, suffering from Rh-alloim munisation-s, and diabetes mellitus with Rh-alloimmunisation?. Our data support the possibility of using the intraamniotic lysozyme level as a predictor of fetal distress. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1994; 6:19-21.) 

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How to Cite
M. Terzic, M. .; Plecas, D.; M. Bulajic, M. .; Stimec, B.; Velimirovic, B. . Prediction of Fetal Distress by Low Intra-Amniotic Lysozyme Level. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1994, 6, 19-21.
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