Transferrin Concentrations in Amniotic Fluid and Blood During Gestation and Early Puerperium
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The aims of the present investigation were to determine transferrin concentrations in amniotic fluid and in womens' cubital vein blood during gestation as well as in the early postpartal period and to establish referent curves of this very important nonspecific immunologic protective factor. In the period of 3 years serial amniotic fluid specimens were obtained by amniocentesis under ultrasound control with a free-hand technique in aseptic conditions from 91 patients (239 samples) in varying gestational ages. At the same time specimens of cubital vein blood were taken. Transferrin concentrations were determined by method of immu nonephelometry using original Boehring kits. All amniotic fluid samples were cul tured for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria within 30 minutes after amniocentesis. Our results indicate that transferrin concentrations in amniotic fluid increased gradually with advancing gestational age from 49.90 mg/l in the 13th week of gestation and reached maximum levels of 260.30 mg/l in the 39th gestational week. In the last week transferrin levels significantly decreased to the 95.05 mg/1 at term. Peripheral blood transferrin levels increased from 2.58 g/l in the 13th week of gestation and reached maximal values of 4.67 g/l in the 38th week of pregnancy. In the early puerperal period transferrin concentrations were found to increase, with a peak of 5.80 g/l on the second postpartal day. After that levels decreased. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;5: 73-79.)
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