Predictive Values of Sonographic Parameters for Antenatal Diagnosis of Small for Gestational Age Fetus

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Theera Tongsong
Chanane Wanapirak
Nat Khuntipong
Ekalak Tatayathikom


This prospective study examined the reliability of various sonographic parameters in detecting SGA fetus in utero. Sonographic BPD, AC, HC/AC ratio, FL/AC ratio, EFW and AFV were obtained within ten days of delivery of SGA (N=221) and non-SGA (N=276) newborns. The effectiveness of each ultrasound variable for antenatal diagnosis of the SGA fetus was assessed. Predictive values were computed using Bayes theorem and based upon a 10% prevalence rate of SGA. An HC/AC ratio was the best predictor, which could detect 87% of SGA with 76% of positive predictive value. Other variables (AC, FL/AC, EFW, AFV, BPD) were less accurate for predicting SGA. Negative predictive value was greater than 92% for all variables. However, with the exception for HC/AC and FL/AC ratios, the positive predictive values were disappointing. This report establishes the limi tations of each ultrasound parameter in the antenatal diagnosis of the SGA fetus. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;5:7-14.)

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How to Cite
Tongsong, T.; Wanapirak, C.; Khuntipong, N.; Tatayathikom, E. . Predictive Values of Sonographic Parameters for Antenatal Diagnosis of Small for Gestational Age Fetus. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1993, 5, 7-14.
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