Urinary Drainage Following Radical Hysterectomy

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Prasit Pengsaa
Somporn Pothinam
Banchong Udomthavornsuk


From July 1987 to December 1989, 66 patients with early stage cervical and endometrial cancers underwent radical hysterectomy and pelvic nodes dissection at Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University. To compare the rate of lower urinary tract complications after surgery, the patients were voluntarily placed on transurethral or suprapubic catheterization. Postoperative morbidities were ob served. The only advantage of suprapubic catheterization observed was the absence of urinary incontinence (0/27), while 15% (6/39) were observed in another group (p=0.03). All other studied parameters were the same in both groups. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;4:125-128.) 

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How to Cite
Pengsaa, P. .; Pothinam, S. .; Udomthavornsuk, B. . Urinary Drainage Following Radical Hysterectomy. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1992, 4, 125-128.
Original Article