Bacteriologic Study of Donor Semen

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Somboon Vijatrasil
Seri Teerapong


Semen samples from 63 donors were bacteriologically studied to deter mine the bacterial isolates, their influence on sperm quality and the recipients. Two of the 63 samples had no bacterial growth, 61 cultures yielded one or more aerobic organisms, and 42 yielded anaerobic organisms. The 4 common aerobes were S. epi dermidis (50.8%), Streptococcus group D enterococci (30.2%), S. viridans (25.4%), and Diphtheroides (25.4%). These organismis had no influence on semen parameters. The anaerobic organisms, which included Peptostreptococcus (60.3%), nonsporing gram-positive rods (17.5%), Bacteroides (14.3%), were related to sperm concentra tion and motility. All recipients had no complications after donor insemination. Four of the 21 recipients became pregnant, and the semen inseminated to these women contained from 1 to 6 types of organisms. The routine aerobic and anaerobic bacte rial culture of selected donor semen seem not be necessary. (Thai J Obstet Gynae col 1991;3:89-94.) 

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How to Cite
Vijatrasil, S. .; Teerapong, S. . Bacteriologic Study of Donor Semen. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1991, 3, 89-94.
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