Prognostic Factors for Survival after Surgery for Early Stages Cervical Cancer

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Prasit Pengsaa
Banchong Udomthavornsuk
Axel Hemfling


Two hundred and forty-nine consecutive patients with clinical stage 1 and IIA carcinoma of the uterine cervix who underwent primary radical hysterec tomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy between January 1976 and December 1988 were evaluated for prognostic factors for survival. Univariate analysis, history of smok ing, weight of the patients, FIGO staging, surgeons and surgical techniques, histol ogy, lymph nodes status, lesion diameter and recurrent status were the significant factors in death rate. When survival analysis was performed, recurrent status, FIGO staging and lesion diameters remained significant for both corrected and overall survival rates. For preoperative selection of the patients, those with FIGO stage II and tumour diameter 2-4 cm were associated with a less favourable prog nosis. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1990; 2: 29-36.)

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How to Cite
Pengsaa, P. .; Udomthavornsuk, B. .; Hemfling, A. . Prognostic Factors for Survival After Surgery for Early Stages Cervical Cancer. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1990, 2, 29-36.
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