Congenital Clubfoot: Is It the Result of Compression or Moulding in Utero?

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Yuen Tannirandorn


Two fetuses with obstructive uropathy had clubfoot diagnosed on ultrasound before 18 weeks of gestation in the presence of normal amniotic fluid volume. Both had normal karyotypes. Oligohydramnios in the presence of obstructive uropathy may merely be associated with, rather than be the cause of clubfoot. Therefore, congenital clubfoot is not always the result of compression or moulding in utero. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1989; 1 : 139-42.) 

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How to Cite
Tannirandorn, Y. Congenital Clubfoot: Is It the Result of Compression or Moulding in Utero?. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1989, 1, 139-142.
Original Article