Postpartum Insertion of Modified Intrauterine Devices

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Laddawan Banharnsupawat
Aroon Patanayindee
Bangon Bundown


This study has been conducted to investigate and compare three postpartum IUDs insertion within 5 days after delivery, viz:1) Mod.LLD with LLD, 2) Mod. T Cu 380 A with T Cu 380 A and 3) Mod.LLD with Mod. T Cu 380 A. It showed that the expulsion rate of Mod.LLD was significantly lower than LLD; no statistical difference in the expul sion rate between Mod. T Cu 380 A and T Cu 380 A, and the expulsion rate of Mod.LLD was significantly higher than Mod. T Cu 380 A. Medical complications of either modified IUD were not increased. No pregnancy or perforation occurred in any of the group 12 months of use for any of these IUDs.(Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1989;1:63-70)

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How to Cite
Banharnsupawat, L. .; Patanayindee, A. .; Bundown , B. . Postpartum Insertion of Modified Intrauterine Devices. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1989, 1, 63-70.
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