First Year's Experience with Norplant

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Surasak Taneepanichskul


Health Promotion Center Region I introduced Norplant for family planning clinics in June 1, 1986, and a clinical study of Norplant was carried out. Characteristics of most acceptors were aged between 18-40 years, lived in Bangkok, two parities, low monthly incomes and primary educational levels. Most previously used oral contraceptive methods. Health personnel were the most important source of information on Norplant. During 1 year follow up, the most found side effect and menstrual pattern was irregular bleeding. The follow up rate was high in the first week, 96.9%, and then declined respec tively. The rate after one year follow up was only 54.32%. The continuation rate was high, 99.38% during the one year, and no pregnancy occurred among acceptors. There fore, Norplant is a good contraceptive method which can be used effectively in family planning programmes. (Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1989;1:71-75)

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How to Cite
Taneepanichskul, S. . First Year’s Experience With Norplant. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1989, 1, 71-75.
Original Article