Malignant Phyllodes Tumour in a Pregnant Woman Masquerading Clinically as an Abscess: A case report

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Shalini Bahadur
Shivani Kalhan
Manabendra Baidya
Ruchi Verma
Madhuvan Gupta
Sahlini Shukla


Phyllodes tumors (PT) are rare breast tumours comprising of < 1% of all breast tumours that arise from the stromal connective tissue of the breast. These tumors usually affect the adults of fifth and sixth decade and are rarely found in the pediatric or young age group. PT presents as a rapidly growing discrete palpable mass. Histologically, they are classified as benign, borderline, and malignant on the basis of histological features, mitotic index, necrosis, and infiltrative growth pattern. Malignant PT is a rare entity in pregnancy. We present a case of 27-year-old multigravida with one live male child and a term still born who presented to the outpatient department during antenatal visit with a rapidly growing breast lump early in the 25th week of gestation. Malignant PT becomes difficult to diagnose in a pregnant woman as lactation changes and clinical appearance can mask this diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach is needed in such cases because there is a high recurrence rate and metastases when tumors are large, bulky with involved surgical margins.

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How to Cite
Bahadur, S.; Paridhi; Kalhan, S.; Baidya, M. .; Verma, R.; Gupta, M.; Shukla, S. Malignant Phyllodes Tumour in a Pregnant Woman Masquerading Clinically As an Abscess: A Case Report. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 2024, 32, 165-170.
Case Report


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