Impact of delivery mode on sexual functions in the first year after childbirth: A comparative study of vaginal and cesarean sections
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There are studies showing that women's sexual functions are affected for a while after giving birth. However, there are relatively few studies showing which component of sexual function is affected by the mode of delivery.
This study was conducted with 228 participants who met the study criteria, 51 of whom had a VD, and 177 had a C/S delivery. The participants in the postpartum period between 3-12 months answered the Turkish version of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. Total FSFI and subscale scores of the groups were compared.
In both groups (VD/CS), weekly sexual intercourse frequency values after delivery were found to be statistically significantly lower than before delivery. When the group giving birth with VD was compared with the C/S group, both the total FSFI score and the whole domain scores were lower.
Regardless of the mode of delivery, all participating women in the postpartum period had deficiencies in total FSFI scores and all subscale scores, indicating sexual dysfunction. This inadequacy in sexual dysfunction was more pronounced in women who gave birth normally than those who gave birth by cesarean section. Considering the importance of having a healthy sexual life for a quality life standard, appropriate sexual therapy and support should be provided to women in the postpartum period.
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