Incidence, Risk factors, Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Second-stage Cesarean Section at Siriraj Hospital

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Kanitta Srikrisanapol
Dittakarn Borriboonhirunsarn


Objectives: To determine the incidence of cesarean section (CS) during second stage of labor, to evaluate maternal and neonatal outcomes, and to determine risk factors.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in 636 women with term, singleton pregnancies with cephalic presentation who delivered during January to April 2021. Data were extracted from medical records, including baseline, antenatal care data, mode of deliveries and outcomes. Incidence of 2nd stage CS was estimated. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were compared between different mode of deliveries.

Results: Overall CS rate was 28.5% with 22.3% occurred during 1st and 5.7% had CS during 2nd stage of labor. CS during 2nd stage of labor contributed to 19.9% of all CS. Instrumental vaginal delivery was performed in only 5.5%. Those with 2nd stage CS were more likely to be overweight or obese, and to have gestational weight gain above recommendation. The most common indications for CS was cephalopelvic disproportion. Neonatal birth weight and rate of macrosomia were significantly higher among those with 2nd stage CS while birth asphyxia was more common among 1st stage CS. Other maternal and neonatal outcomes were comparable.

Conclusion: CS during second stage of labor occurred in 5.7% of all women, contribution to 19.9% of all CS. Those with 2nd stage CS were more likely to be overweight and obese, have excessive gestational weight gain, and to have higher neonatal birth weight and rate of macrosomia. There was no increase in serious adverse outcomes in women with 2nd stage CS.

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How to Cite
Srikrisanapol, K.; Borriboonhirunsarn, D. Incidence, Risk factors, Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Second-stage Cesarean Section at Siriraj Hospital. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 2024, 32, 186-195.
Original Article


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