The Efficacy of Vibrational Anesthesia in Reducing Pain and Anxiety among a Single Rod Contraceptive Implant Recipient: A single-blinded randomized controlled trial
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Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of vibration anesthesia in reducing pain and anxiety in the group receiving single rod contraceptive implant recipient (SRCI).
Materials and Methods: This study was a single-blinded, randomized, controlled trial. Forty-five women were randomly assigned to the experimental group and forty-five women to the control group. The control group had SRCI using the standard method. However, the experimental group received vibrational anesthesia during the implantation. The study variables were general information, the numeric rating scale, and the state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) form Y-1 questionnaire.
Results: The median pain score of the experimental group was 2 (1-2), while that of the control group was 4 (3-4). There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.01) in the pain scores. Thirty-six cases (80.0%) in the experimental group showed low anxiety levels compared to no cases in the control groups (p < 0.01). No adverse events were reported.
Conclusion: Vibrational anesthesia during SRCI may reduce pain and anxiety among the recipients.
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