Menstrual Patterns and Side Effects During the Use of Mirena in Thai Women 18-35 Years Old

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Kanokorn Sukonthaman
Surasak Taneepanichskul


Objective To evaluate menstrual patterns, side effects and acceptability of Mirena use in Thai women in 6 months.

Design                Descriptive study.

Setting                Family Planing Clinic, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok Thailand.

Subjects 61 women randomly selected sample of women between the ages of 18-35 years old, who requested an IUD as a contraceptive method and accepted Mirena.

Main outcome measures Bleeding patterns.

Results               62.3% and 41 % of women reported irregular cycle at the 3rd month and the 6th month,

respectively. Amenorrhea was presented in 19.7 % of users at the 3rd month and 41 % at the 6th month. The continuation rate was 83.61% at the end of the 6 months. The discontinuation rate was 16.39 % and the reasons were bleeding problems, headache, and dizziness. The most common side effects were bleeding disturbances (50.8%) and pelvic pain(27.9%). No PID was reported in this study. No accidental pregnancy was occurred throughout the 6 months of use in this study. There was no statistically significant changes in body weight and blood pressure during the 6 months follow up period.

Conclusion Most common bleeding pattern at 3rd month was irregular bleeding follow by amenorrhea at 6m month. The use of Mirena was associated with a good continuation rate up to 6 months. The most common effects were bleeding disturbances and pelvic pain

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How to Cite
Sukonthaman, K.; Taneepanichskul, S. Menstrual Patterns and Side Effects During the Use of Mirena in Thai Women 18-35 Years Old. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 2017, 15, 231-235.
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