A Survey Contraceptive Practice in Thai Female HIV-I Positive Prostitutes

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Surasak Taneepanichskul
Nanta Aumkul
Veera Niyomwan


Objective To survey the contraceptive use and characteristics of HIV-1 infected
Design Cross-sectionaldescriptive study.
Subjects and methods A cross-sectional survey of contraceptive practice in Thai female
HIV-Iprostitutes was done, 158 HIV-1 infected prostitutes from Bangkok, Khon
Kaen and Lampang were recruited to study. The study was conducted from 1st
October 1993 to 30th September 1994.
Results From the study, it was found that average age of prostitutes with HIV-1 +ve
was 23.7 t 5.5 years old and mostly had primary school education. Most of them had
duration of work more than 1 year. The contraceptive prevalence rate was 72.7%.
The most contraceptive method use was oral pill and the least was subdermal
implant. Only 3.8% of prostitutes' regular partners or husbands used condom regularly
for contraception.

Conclusion Most of HIV-1 infected prostitutes had contraception. However, a few prostitutes used condom regularly with their partners or husbands. To educate and
encourage use of condom should be an effective method to prevent and control
HIV infection.

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How to Cite
Taneepanichskul, S.; Aumkul, N.; Niyomwan, V. A Survey Contraceptive Practice in Thai Female HIV-I Positive Prostitutes. Thai J Obstet Gynaecol 1996, 8, 325-331.
Original Article