Determination of patient doses in 2D and 3D mammography at Udonthani Cancer Hospital


  • Teeraporn Paisan Udon Thani Cancer Hospital
  • Sirinthorn Sridubdim Department of Radiology, Udonthani Cancer Hospital


Breast Cancer Screeninng, Radiation Dose, Mammography, Digital Mammography Tomosynthesis


Background: Mammography examination is commonly used for the breast cancer screening. Since the radiation dose is contributed to the patient breast tissues, we should monitor and control the radiation dose within the international standard level. This study aimed to determine the radiation doses obtained from 2D and 3D mammography at Udonthani Cancer Hospital (UDCH). Methods: Retrospective data of 280 Thai women patients who have age greater than 40 years-old with body weight range 40-70 kg were randomly collected from the database system of UDCH between January and December 2019. Mean glandular dose (MGD) and its related parameters were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: The results showed that the median values of MGD of craniocaudal views (CC) was 1.74 mGy and mediolateral oblique view (MLO) was 2.01 mGy from 2D and 3D mammographic examinations of CC views was 2.09 mGy and MLO was 2.34 mGy. Three related parameters that affected the MGD were tube current-time (mAs), compressed breast thickness and peak kilovoltage (kVp), respectively. There was slightly different of MGD between the right and left side of breast. Conclusion: The radiation doses obtained from the mammography examinations in this study was lower than the Thailand national diagnostic reference levels that published in 2021, which is appropriate for the patients. Notwithstanding, the radiologic technologist should monitor and verify the radiation dose regularly for the patients.


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How to Cite

Paisan T, Sridubdim S. Determination of patient doses in 2D and 3D mammography at Udonthani Cancer Hospital. Thai J Rad Tech [internet]. 2022 Sep. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];47(1):8-16. available from:



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