Setup error assessment of female breast cancer radiotherapy at Songklanagarind Hospital
Setup errors, Breast Cancer, Radiotherapy, Image Guided RadiotherapyAbstract
The setup error in radiation therapy occurs from the treatment positioning differ from the planned positioning. The setup error resulted in the missed receiving dose from planning dose for the tumor and normal tissue. The aim of this research is to investigate setup error and the correlation between setup error and several clinical factors for female breast cancer patients using radiotherapy at Songklanagarind Hospital. The retrospective data of 101 female breast cancer patients using radiotherapy with image guided were evaluated. The EPID imaging was acquired during the delivery by recording the setup error in 3 directions including vertical, longitudinal, and lateral; clinical factors including age, BMI, breast separation, and patient positioning (one or both arms raising) were collected. Then mean and standard deviation for systematic error and random errors were calculated. Furthermore, regression analysis was used for statistical test to analyze the correlation between setup error and several clinical factors. From a total of 1240 EPID images, the results showed that systematic errors were 2.22, 1.97 and 2.60 millimeters in the vertical, longitudinal, and lateral direction, respectively. The random errors were 2.13, 2.95 and 2.36 millimeters in the vertical, longitudinal, and lateral direction, respectively. There was a significant association between patient positioning (arm rising) with setup error in lateral direction (p-value < 0.05). In the conclusion, the systematic and random errors were within 3 mm in all directions. The maximum systematic error was found at the lateral direction while the maximum random error was found in the longitudinal direction. Furthermore, only patient positioning factor correlated with setup error.
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