Quality control of abdominal radiography in patients with acute abdominal pain
Patients with acute abdominal pain, acute abdomen series, quality control of radiographic imagingAbstract
Currently, the number of radiographic imaging of patients with acute abdominal pain has increased. Patients seeking treatment for such conditions must receive accurate, prompt, and precise services to enable healthcare providers to diagnose and treat them safely. Controlling the quality of acute abdominal series radiographic images are crucial to ensure high-quality images. Key factors affecting image quality include the patient, radiology staff, and the equipment used for imaging. These main factors encompass several sub-factors that also influence image quality, such as the patient's condition, the expertise of the imaging staff, and the appropriate environment for radiographic imaging. Effective control of all these factors helps improve the quality of radiographic images, ensuring that patients undergoing acute abdomen series radiography receive fast, accurate, and safe services. This, in turn, enables physicians to accurately and swiftly diagnose diseases from radiographic images and treat patients effectively to restore their health.
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