A Development of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Preventive Model in the Communities of Tambon Kumnumsaep in Ubon Ratchathani’s Warinchamrap District
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Preventive Model in the CommunitiesAbstract
The research aimed to develop the preventative model for the dengue hemorrhagic fever in the communities of Tambon Kumnamsap in Warinchamrap district of Ubon Ratchathani and compare the results of the model in question before and after the development of the model. The 40 residents were specifically selected for the study. They included the community leaders and village volunteers. Data were collected by using the questionnaire which had a confidence value ranging between 0.96 - 0.97, group focus, and observation. The research findings were as follows 1. Considering the dengue fever preventative model, it was implemented by applying a process based on the strategic map. The model involved a participatory learning to provide the community leaders with knowledge, understanding and strategic plans in preventing the dengue hemorrhagic fever. The process led to the projects and activities, for example, study tour, training, community publicity, construct and implementation of the network, establishment of the funds, and social measures in preventing the dengue fever. In addition, there were activities in the following aspects: the public sector, the involvement of the communities, the procedures, learning development. 2. As for a comparison of the dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention in the communities after the model in question was introduced, it was found that the implementation to prevent the dengue fever was higher than before the introduction of the model in the communities with a statistical significance of 0.01.
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