The Factors Affecting the Behavior in Choosing to Buy the Face Cosmetic Products of the University Students in Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • นิธิกานต์ อธิธนัยชัยภัทร Public Health in Health Promotion Graduate School, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • สุภาพร ใจการุณ Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Faculty of public health
  • เผ่าไทย วงศ์เหลา Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Faculty of science


Behavior in Choosing to Buy the Face Cosmetic Products, Students, Ubon Ratchathani Province


The objectives of the research were to study the behavior in choosing to buy the face cosmetic products of the university students in Ubon Ratchathani province, to examine the factors which were related to the behavior in choosing the products and affected the behavior in choosing the face products, and to construct an equation to predict the behavior in choosing the face cosmetic products. The samples used in the study were 400 fourth year students in Ubon Ratchathani province acquired by a proportional stratified sampling. The research instruments were the questionnaire with a confidence value equivalent to .77 and the test with a confidence equivalent to .99. Statistics were frequency, percentage, standard deviation, Chi-square, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The research findings were as follows. : 1. A behavior of the students in the study in choosing the face cosmetic products was at an appropriate level. 2. The university where the students studied and an average grade were related to the students’ behavior in buying at a statistical significance of .05. Sex, working status, and monthly income were not related to the behavior in choosing the products at a statistical significance of .05. 3. The value concerning the choice in buying the products was related to the behavior in buying with a statistical significance of .05. Knowledge and attitude were not related to the behavior in choosing the products. 4. The product, price and the marketing promotion were related to the students’ behavior in choosing the products at a statistical significance of .05. Distribution was not related to the students’ behavior at a statistical significance of .05. 5. The supportive factor of the sale staff was related to the students’ behavior in choosing the products at a statistical significance of .05. Information and service provided by the sale staff were not related to the students’ behavior in choosing the face cosmetic products. 6. There were five factors which affected the behavior in choosing the products of the students in the study were: the face cosmetic products (X9), value concerning the face cosmetic products (X8), state university students (X1), females (X2), and average grade (X3). These factors could explain a variance in behavior in choosing the face cosmetic products by 11.00%. A variance value was equivalent to .184. A predictive equation can be written as follows: Raw scores. Yˆ = 1.344 + .106X9 + .90X8 + .043X1 + .069X2 + .049 X3 Standard scores. Zˆ = .181Z9 + .143Z8 +.111Z1 +.120Z2 + .111Z3


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How to Cite

อธิธนัยชัยภัทร น., ใจการุณ ส., & วงศ์เหลา เ. (2016). The Factors Affecting the Behavior in Choosing to Buy the Face Cosmetic Products of the University Students in Ubon Ratchathani Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 5(2), 17–24. Retrieved from

