Dental Health Status and Dental Health Care Behavior Among Ethnic Group Grades 1-2 Students at Primary School in Mae Yao Sub-District of Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai


  • กฤติยา แหนบคำ School of Health Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • จิรพรรณ เรืองกิจชม School of Health Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • ทับทิม ยานะธรรม School of Health Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • รัชฎา คำฟู School of Health Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • พัชรา ก้อยชูสกุล School of Health Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • กาญจนา ปินตาคำ School of Health Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Dental Health Status, Dental Health Care Behavior, Among Ethnic Group


The aim of this study was to study dental health status and dental health care behavior among ethnic group grades 1-2 students at primary school in Mae Yao Sub-District of Mueang Chiang Rai Province. A cross-sectional study was conducted on September 2015, by selecting eligible voluntary to participate with the total 249 students which cover 9 ethnic groups including Bohemians, Lahu, Lisu, Akha, Haw Chinese, Throated trowel, Lue, Shan, and Native. Data collection divided into two phases; the first phase, the dental health care behavior questionnaire was applied for face to face interview, and the second phase, dental health screening was assessed of the Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT). The obtained data were then analyzed through the statistical formulae as follows; frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The finding indicated that 87.15% of dental caries, 30.92% of decayed tooth and 24.10 % of filled tooth. The mean tooth prevalence was 0.10% DMFT and 1.54% dmft. The dental health care behavior shown high level of the dental treatment and moderate level of drinking behaviors. From this result, the dental health problems need to integrate between parent and school for increasing awareness and resolving a problem to dental health care behavior among students. It was an urgent issue to solve in Public Health Systems.


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How to Cite

แหนบคำ ก., เรืองกิจชม จ., ยานะธรรม ท., คำฟู ร., ก้อยชูสกุล พ., & ปินตาคำ ก. (2017). Dental Health Status and Dental Health Care Behavior Among Ethnic Group Grades 1-2 Students at Primary School in Mae Yao Sub-District of Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 6(2), 65–71. Retrieved from

