Behavior reduction of alcohol consumption in community


  • กัลยาวีร์ อนนท์จารย์ Department of Community Nursing, Western University
  • สุดา ทองทรัพย์ Department of Fundamental Nursing, Western University
  • สุปราณี อุพลรัมย์ Banbua Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital, Muang, Buriram


Behavior, alcohol consumption, community


Alcohol consumption in adult population is likely to increase every year as a major problem in the country. Drinking affects both drinkers themselves, families, people around the society. Thus encouraging those with alcohol drinking habits. Reduce drinking habits. It is very useful. However, the reduction of alcohol consumption behavior in adult population has been based on several related factors to help drinkers reduce their behavior. This article presents four main components: 1) the impact of alcohol, 2) factors related to reduce drinking behavior, 3) guidelines for reducing alcohol consumption and 4) factors affecting success in drinking behavior in community. This is the result of the project. "Alcohol Reduction in Adults in the community of Tambon Ban Bua, Muang District, Buriram ".


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How to Cite

อนนท์จารย์ ก., ทองทรัพย์ ส., & อุพลรัมย์ ส. (2018). Behavior reduction of alcohol consumption in community. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 7(1), 15–21. retrieved from

