The patterns of enterprise master metabolic Ekpayan School, Kalasin Province


  • สุธีรา ภาวิขำ Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • สุมัทนา กลางคาร Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • จิราพร วรวงศ์ Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University


Obesity, participation, model organization of metabolic syndrome


This was an action research study. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pattern of operation of the prototype organization of the School in Kalasin Province By in the study a group of School personnel. The 95 person cent risk of obesity was defined by 4 steps of action planning, observation, and reflection, by engaging the personnel with the formation process, Diagnose problems, plan and solve problems together. Collect quantitative and qualitative data using questionnaire and group discussion. Data was analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation The study indicated that the staff at Ekpanya School changed their level of knowledge about health behavior, food, emotions, exercise, non-smoking and non-alcohol drinking, increased knowledge and behavior change. There was a high level of perceived self-efficacy in participation. Personnel body mass index decreased and the waistline decreased performance objectives are achieved through the implementation of an unmanned prototype organization, by engaging, personnel, working together, and driving a seamless corporate policy. In summary, the success factor is personnel can support school activities according to their potential and roles. Consequently,there should be continuous work to properly change the behavior of the health and to develop a continuous model of a seamless prototype organization to benefit the school in further development.


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How to Cite

ภาวิขำ ส., กลางคาร ส., & วรวงศ์ จ. (2018). The patterns of enterprise master metabolic Ekpayan School, Kalasin Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 7(1), 133–150. Retrieved from

