Antimicrobial using behaviors: case study of Ban Kang Pla population, Chaiyapruek Sub-district, Mueang District, Loei Province


  • Rungthip Keaw-aun
  • Khanittha Thaikhamnam
  • Pipaporn Suttisean
  • Sarocha Wisai
  • Bunliang Suphim


Behaviors of antimicrobial, antimicrobial, populations


The purpose of this research were (1) to study the behavior of antimicrobial drug usage and (2) to analyze the relationship between personal factors and knowledge with behavior of antimicrobial drug usage. Total sample consist of 342 persons in Ban Kwang Pla, Chaiyaphruek Sub-district, Mueang District, Loei Province. The instrument of this research were questionnaires. Personal factors, knowledge and behavior of antimicrobial drug usage were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. An analysis on the relationship of age, sex, occupation, education, marital status, family income per month and knowledge relating to behavior on antimicrobial drug usage by using Chi-square and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation.

            The result showed that 36% of sample used antimicrobial drug for treatment pharyngitis and tonsillitis. 45.9% of the sample had knowledge about antimicrobial drug usage at moderate level. 57.3% of the sample had antimicrobial drug usage behavior at moderate level. Occupation had statistically significant relationship with antimicrobial drug usage behavior (c2 =33.865, p<0.05). Age and family income per month had negative statistically significant relationship with antimicrobial drug usage behavior (r = -1.198, -1.299, p<0.05). Knowledge had positive statistically significant relationship with antimicrobial drug usage behavior (r = 0.246, p<0.05) Sex, education and marital status had not relationship with antimicrobial drug usage behavior.

            The finding indicates that knowledge had positive statistically significant relationship with antimicrobial drug usage behavior. Thus providing knowledge regarding rational use of antimicrobial drug should be encouraged for people to prevent the problem inappropriate use of antimicrobial drug.


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How to Cite

Keaw-aun, R. ., Thaikhamnam, K. ., Suttisean, P. ., Wisai, S. ., & Suphim, B. . (2019). Antimicrobial using behaviors: case study of Ban Kang Pla population, Chaiyapruek Sub-district, Mueang District, Loei Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 43–54. Retrieved from

