Health risk assessment from aquatic consumption of people who live around Leng Sai Swamp, Mae-Jai District, Phayao Province


  • Somkid Juwa
  • Rung Wongwat
  • Anukool Manoton


Health risk assessment, aquatic consumption, Leng Sai Swamp


The purposes of this study were to study pattern of consumption behavior and health risk assessment from aquatic consumption. In addition, acceptable daily intake (ADI) was also investigated of people who live around Leng Sai Swamp, Phayao Province. It was applied research, which collected samples of aquatic animals that were popularly consumed from Leng Sai Swamp for analysis. The sample group was calculate with 395 by Yamane formulas and selected by simple random sampling. Tools used in data collection of food consumption behavior by Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SFFQ).

               The results of the analysis of six species of aquatic animals; River Snail, Lanchester's Freshwater Prawn, catfish, Nile Tilapia Fish, Swamp Eel and Striped Snake-head Fish found that River Snail was contaminated with cadmium and lead in the amount of 0.0004 mg/kg, while cadmium and lead were not detected in other aquatic animals. The sample group had the consumption of aquatic animals at percentile 90, equal to 12 meals/week or 343 g/day. Health risk assessment from River Snail consumption with cadmium contamination has a hazard quotient equal to 0.0024 and found that consumer intake lead form eating was 0.078 μg/day, lower than the TDI 2800 fold (Tolerable Daily intake (TDI) of 3.6 μg/kg body weight/day).In conclusion of this study, adverse health effects may not occur. Health risk assessment from aquatic consumption of people who live around Leng Sai Swamp, Phayao Province should be operating continuously every year In order to monitor the health risks of people in the area.


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How to Cite

Juwa, S. ., Wongwat, R. ., & Manoton, A. . (2019). Health risk assessment from aquatic consumption of people who live around Leng Sai Swamp, Mae-Jai District, Phayao Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 141–149. retrieved from

