The study on effectiveness of court-type traditional Thai massage and combined with Sida rhombifolia L. oil poultices in knee osteoarthritis treatment


  • Chuanchom Khuniad
  • Jarasporn Didsakorn
  • Parichart Kongtem
  • Pongsirichai Promsuwan
  • Rotsukon Nummuang
  • Saravoot Pumjan
  • Wilawan Puakchai


Court-type Thai traditional massage, oil poultices, lomjubponghangkhoa


This study was an experimental research which aim to study effectiveness of Sida rhombifolia L. oil poultices as an adjuvant therapy of the court-type Thai traditional massage in knee osteoarthritis patients at Prakha health promoting hospital, Phatthalung province. The samples were specifically selected by the conditions, totaling 58 persons. The samples were divided into 2 groups. Thirty patients of experimental group was received a court-type Thai traditional massage and Sida rhombifolia L. Oil Poultices. Twenty-eight patients of control group was received a court-type Thai traditional massage alone. Both groups were treated three times a week for 4 weeks. Assessment was done before and after treatment with method of Thai traditional therapeutic massage, measurement degree of knee by goniometer, a pain score evaluation with visual analog scale and Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS). The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and nonparametric statistics.

This research found that the average of range of motion of knee in flexion position increased with statistically significant difference (p<0.001) in both group. Comparison the average of range of motion of knee in flexion position between groups were not statistical significance. The average pain score of knee in both groups were significant decreased statistically (p<0.001). Comparison the average pain score of knee between groups were not statistical significance. KOOS score including symptoms and stiffness, pain, activity of daily living, function in sport and recreation and knee-related quality of life were improved with statistically significant difference (p<0.001) in both.

It can be concluded that the adjuvant therapy of Sida rhombifolia L. oil politics with the court type Thai traditional massage could be alternative way to treat knee osteoarthritis patients for reducing knee pain, increasing a range of motion of knee and improving physical function.


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How to Cite

Khuniad, C. ., Didsakorn, J. ., Kongtem, P., Promsuwan, P. ., Nummuang, R. ., Pumjan, S. ., & Puakchai, W. . (2019). The study on effectiveness of court-type traditional Thai massage and combined with Sida rhombifolia L. oil poultices in knee osteoarthritis treatment. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 166–175. Retrieved from

