Quality of life among individuals with lower limb prosthesis: literature review


  • Supachai Kaewdoung มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ
  • Somkiattiyos Woradet Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Bhunyabhadh Chaimay Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University


Quality of life, Disability, Lower limb prosthesis


Lower limb amputation is a treatment to prevent the spread of disease or injuries, and to save life. Lower limb amputation is caused by accident, chronic infection cancer or congenital deficit etc. The amputation of the lower limb is affected by physical changes. It also affects psychological, economic and social issues. In addition, it may affect the limitation of daily life and leads to decreased quality of life (QOL) among amputees. This article aimed to review factors associated with quality of life among individuals with lower limb prosthesis. It showed that factors associated with quality of life among individuals with lower limb prosthesis were as following; demographic characteristic factors consisted of gender, age, educational level, marital status and income; health factors consisted of cause of amputation, comorbidity, lever of amputation, time of amputation, rehabilitation and problem of residual limbs; prosthesis; metal health and social relationship. Therefore, multidisciplinary teams should be concerned with these factors in order to use as a guideline of planning for rehabilitation and improvement the quality of life among individuals with lower limb prosthesis.


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How to Cite

Kaewdoung, S. ., Woradet, S., & Chaimay, B. . (2020). Quality of life among individuals with lower limb prosthesis: literature review. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 9(2), 20–31. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/241676

