Quality of Life of Students in Sirindhorn College of Public Health Suphanburi


  • Juthalak Jokthong โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตำบลวัดบางบัวทอง
  • Srisurang Kehanak วิทยาลัยการสาธารณสุขสิรินธร จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี
  • Sunisa Chansaeng วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี
  • Natpaphas Jeraphakdee
  • Purin Srisodsaluk


Quality of life, students


This descriptive study aimed to examine the quality of life of students in Sirindhorn College of Public Health in Suphanburi Province. The population consisted of 316 females 1st – 4th year students of Sirindhorn College of Public Health Suphanburi. The reliability of the quality of life questionnaire was 0.968. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results showed that 31.6% of the population was in the 2nd year, with 46.2% of them studying in the Department of Community Public Health and 44.3% having grade point average between 3.00 and 3.49. Also, 96.5% of them were Buddhists and 55.7% had hometown in the central region. Their monthly allowance from parents ranged from 2,001 – 4,000 baht (45.6%) and they had no additional income other than the allowance from parents (66.1%). The overall quality of life of the students was at a moderate level (m = 34.35, s = 7.25). The quality of life in the social dimension was at a good level with the highest mean score
(m = 38.30, s = 5.72); the students listened to the opinions of their peers and teachers in the college (m = 4.13, s = 0.63). In academic dimension (m = 37.51, s = 5.61), teachers provided students with opportunities to ask questions (m = 4.34, s = 0.7). In the dimension of living condition, which had the lowest mean score (m = 28.90, s = 9.00), the number of students in each dormitory room was inappropriate (m = 2.27, s = 1.21)

Based on the results of this study, the number of students per dormitory room should be reconsidered and reduced as appropriate. Also, there should be activities to promote unity among the students of all departments.


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How to Cite

Jokthong, J. ., Kehanak, S. ., Chansaeng, S. ., Jeraphakdee, N. ., & Srisodsaluk, P. . (2020). Quality of Life of Students in Sirindhorn College of Public Health Suphanburi. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 9(1), 56–64. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/243314

