Website development to calculate the visual acuity in medical codes of cataract patients for medical statists technician at Ratchaburi Hospital


  • Uthai Thabtong วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีทางการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข กาญจนาภิเษก
  • Sukanda Sooksala โรงพยาบาลมหาราชนครราชสีมา
  • Thava Ororam


Website development, medical code, visual acuity, medical statistics technician


This research studies a development of a website which assist statisticians in visual department of Ratchaburi Hospital. The website is designed and developed to calculate medical codes of visual acuity in cataract patients.

Objectives of this research is to analyze situations, problems and requirements for developing the website which will has ability to determine and produce medical codes by calculating visual acuity in cataract patients from statistic given by statisticians from Ratchaburi hospital. Also, evaluation of the website from statisticians in visual department of Ratchaburi Hospital.

Tools used in this study are; 1) Detailed questionnaires survey form relating to situations, problems and requirement to determine codes for cataract patients. 2) Website assessment medical code in visual department of Ratchaburi Hospital. 3) Website quality survey. The survey is relating to quality of website, such as, accuracy of coding process, user friendly and its design. 4) Satisfactory Survey. This survey evaluates levels of satisfaction of users.

The first page of the website contains a field box to fill a value of a patient's eyesight. Then the value is calculated to determine a stage of cataracts in the patient. The calculation is done by click the calculate button on the page. The outcome of this study is evaluated by questionnaires surveys given to 4 statisticians of Ratchaburi Hospital, who also website users. The surveys show the website is convenient to use, easy to find and has an interesting design. However, the website has not produced an effective coding, due to insufficient detail and incomplete data. Therefore, its consequence of this ineffective coding is creating an inaccurate of treatment charges.

Overall, results of this satisfactory assessment after using the website is positive. The results of this study can be used for further development of the website.


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How to Cite

Thabtong, U. ., Sooksala, S. ., & Ororam, T. . (2020). Website development to calculate the visual acuity in medical codes of cataract patients for medical statists technician at Ratchaburi Hospital. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 9(1), 93–103. Retrieved from

