Innovation for the Care of Older Persons in Thailand during the Thailand 4.0 Era


  • Purin Srisodsaluk Boromarajonani College of Nursing
  • Bunpitcha Chitpakdee Suphanburi, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Sunisa Chanseang ภาควิชาสาธารณสุขชุมชน วิทยาลัยการสาธารณสุขสิรินธรจังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี


Innovation, Older persons, Thailand 4.0


There is a rapid transition to aging society worldwide. This causes each country to adapt to the changes by developing models of healthcare service that can respond to the issues and the needs of older persons. As a consequence, the healthcare costs for older persons tend to rise significantly, resulting in insufficient and incomprehensive care. In Thailand, policies and strategies have been constantly launched for older persons. Currently, Thaliand 4.0 is an important policy that involves changes in the economic structure driven by technology, creativity, and innovations with greater focus on the service sector for the country’s prosperity and sustainability. This policy affects all sectors of the country, especially the improvement of healthcare for older persons. This paper aims to describe the innovation for the care of older persons in Thailand during the Thailand 4.0 Era. The involved organizations and personnel should acknowledge and adapt to the changes to ensure the access, quality, equity, and efficiency of healthcare for older persons in order to respond to their problems and situations that will in turn lead to better quality of life among older persons.


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How to Cite

Srisodsaluk, P. ., Chitpakdee, B. ., & Chanseang, S. . (2020). Innovation for the Care of Older Persons in Thailand during the Thailand 4.0 Era . UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 9(2), 47–54. Retrieved from

