Perceived susceptibility from playing games on mobile phones in undergraduate students of Sisaket Rajabhat University


  • Wiraya Boonrin Community Health Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University


Perceived susceptibility, playing games on mobile phones, undergraduate students


The trend of playing games on mobile phones in students has been increasing continually. There are effects in several issues such as physical, emotion, family and social. The paper is Survey Study in Cross Sectional Study. The research aims to study the perceived susceptibility from playing games on mobile phones in undergraduate students of Sisaket Rajabhat University by using questionnaires to gather data from 369 samples. The author analyzed and presented the data with frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results showed that. Most of samples are male (59.89%) with average age 20 years old (S.D. = 1.04), 18 years old for youngest and 24 years old for oldest – most of them are studying in Faculty of Education (40.37%). For the whole, students got the perceived susceptibility from playing games on mobile phones in medium level  34.14% (mean = 2.78, S.D. = 0.91). The issue of highest risks from playing games on mobile phone in the awareness of students was length of playing games: there are many problems about eye sights and eye ache (mean = 3.59, S.D = 1.05); next was enjoyment while playing games on mobile phones (mean = 3.45, S.D = 1.15); and sleeping late after playing games on mobile phone which is cause of lack of sleeping (mean = 3.44, S.D = 1.14) respectively. There was lack of the perceived susceptibility from playing games on mobile phones in low level such as financial issue – increasing of income from playing games: sale some items in games (mean = 2.31, S.D = 1.18).

Conclusion the results of this study 3 of 5 students realized the risks from playing games on mobile phones which can be the primary data to find the way to increase the awareness of effects to students who play games on mobile phones in appropriate way.


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How to Cite

Boonrin, W. . (2021). Perceived susceptibility from playing games on mobile phones in undergraduate students of Sisaket Rajabhat University. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(1), 155–165. retrieved from

