Posttraumatic stress disorder among flooding victims in Sakon Nakhon Province


  • Phoowasit Phoolawan Faculty of Science and Technology, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Posttraumatic stress disorder, flooding victims, sakon nakhon province


This research was survey research. The aim of study was assess prevalence and factor associated with posttraumatic stress disorder among flooding victims in Sakon Nakhon Province. The sample were 214 who have flooding Victims in Wanon Niwat District. Mueang Sakon Nakhon District Phanna Nikhom District and Nikhom Nam Un District. They were selected by multistage random sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Inferential Statistics. Univariate analysis and multiple logistic regression were used for identifying risk factors and presenting adjusted odds ratio (ORadj), 95% CI, significance level at p-value.

The results found that flooding Victims had posttraumatic stress disorder 10.8 percent and underlying disease (ORadj = 3.17, 95%CI: 1.23-8.13) was significant associated with posttraumatic stress disorder.

Therefore, public health organization should be follow-up and screening risk groups, especially those with underlying diseases. for further follow-up care.

This finding suggests that persons suffering from acute post-traumatic stress should receive appropriate care and people with underlying diseases should be follow-up and screening for speed in assessing such conditions.


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How to Cite

Phoolawan, P. (2021). Posttraumatic stress disorder among flooding victims in Sakon Nakhon Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(2), 75–84. retrieved from

