Family and chronic disease management


  • Rostikorn khwanchum Boromarajonani College of Nursing Suratthani
  • Patcharin Khomkham Boromarajonani College of Nursing Yala
  • Purin Srisodsaluk Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Suphanburi
  • Sunisa Chanseang Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Suphanburi


Family, disease management, chronic disease


In the current situation, chronic diseases are major health problems at both national and global levels. Evidence showed that the number of cases with such diseases has dramatically increased and affected patients, families, society, and also the health system. Proper management for patients with chronic diseases is highly important. Effective chronic disease management requires the involvement from the family because it is a close proximity upon the contact with patients. Family members are people who have been providing care for each other for a long time. There is evidence to support that family care and support are linked to better patient self-management and health outcomes. The objective of this article is to present two key areas regarding chronic disease management of family focusing on 1) the family's need for chronic disease management; and 2) how to promote family involvement. These will help promote family involvement with appropriate methods, including assessing the current role and influence of the family, and educating family about diseases and chronic disease management. This also encourages family members to set clear goals for patient care and develop family members' communication skills to provide effective support in the future.


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How to Cite

khwanchum, R. ., Khomkham, P. ., Srisodsaluk, P. ., & Chanseang, S. . (2021). Family and chronic disease management. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(2), 6–14. retrieved from

