Preventive behaviors for COVID-19 in Ban Dok Bua area, Tha Wang Thong Sub-district, Mueang District, Phayao


  • Thamonwan Choorust Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Kanittha Pimchant Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Patcharee Bangkhomnet Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Sasikan Jomchoeichuen Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Oonauamon Laorat Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Kritsana Charoenlap Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Nongyao Kaewya Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Orraya Fongngam Public Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Patipat Vongruang School of Public Health, University of Phayao
  • Narong Chaitiang School of Public Health, University of Phayao


corona virus; preventive behavior; risk behavior


A cross-sectional descriptive study the objective of this research was to study the factors related to the self-protection behavior of people from Corona 2019 infection in Ban Bua area. Tha Wang Thong Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phayao Province, the sample was 242 people aged between 18-40 years. The research instrument was a questionnaire consisting of 6 parts 1) general information, 2) knowledge of coronavirus disease 2019, 3) attitudes towards on coronavirus disease 2019 4) knowledge of laws related to coronavirus disease 2019 5) guidelines for preventing behaviors at risk of contracting coronavirus 2019 6) behaviors to protect themselves from coronavirus disease 2019

            The results showed that the percentage of female subjects 62.0 was less than 25 years old, the percentage of income 43.0 was between 5,001-10,000 baht, the percentage of monthly 34.0. A single state, 58.7 percent of Buddhism, 97.1 percent of graduates, and 50 percent of other professions, such as students. 31.0% had no disease, 83.0% were in the north, 76.0% had no history and 98.8% had no disease The percentage of those who did not travel in the danger zone was 98.3. The percentage of those without any symptoms who were detained for 14 days was 95.0 At a high level of knowledge and understanding of the prevalence risk of corona 2019, the percentage was 95.0. Their attitude is at moderate level, with a percentage of 80.6% of their knowledge and law related scrona2019. The results showed that 82.6% of them were risk behaviors prevention guidelines at the level of 50.0%. The results showed that gender, age, education level, education level and preventive behavior were closely related. Income, disease history, attitude the results showed that the significant correlation between risk preventive behavior and preventive behavior was at the level of 0.05. Religion, occupation, status, residence, contact history, travel history, symptoms in the past 14 days. There is no relevant knowledge and law on corona 2019 infection.       

            Conclusion, People in Ban Dok Bua Village, Tha Wang Thong Sub-district, Muang District, Phayao Province had a moderate level of attitude towards coronavirus disease 2019. The information of this study should be used to plan the management of reinforcement activities. To see the problems and importance of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 in order to create a positive attitude leading to the change in self-defense behavior to control the epidemic to be the most effective.


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How to Cite

Choorust, T., Pimchant, K., Bangkhomnet, P., Jomchoeichuen, S., Laorat, O., Charoenlap, K., Kaewya, N., Fongngam, O., Vongruang, P., & Chaitiang, N. (2022). Preventive behaviors for COVID-19 in Ban Dok Bua area, Tha Wang Thong Sub-district, Mueang District, Phayao. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 11(1), 96–107. Retrieved from

