The commitment of undergraduate students of Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University


  • Nanchaya Daenseekaewtan Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University


Commitment, student, public health


This descriptive research aimed to study the commitment of undergraduate students of faculty of public health, Mahasarakham university. collect data with questionnaires from. sample 381 students, the statistics used in the study were descriptive statistics. frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum.

The results showed that most of the study samples were female, third year, Bachelor of Public Health program. The highest engagement with teachers (Mean 4.16, SD 0.70), followed by the Faculty of Public Health (Mean 4.14, SD 0.69), and the least. Relationship with seniors (Mean 3.81, SD 0.88)

In conclusion, the research findings revealed that the student's engagement in each aspect was at a high level. but in relation to the older generation The least average which in the matter of having the feeling of not having the courage to ask for help from seniors This may be caused by online teaching that did not meet in the past. This makes juniors with knowledge and embarrassed to ask for help from seniors. Exchange more experiences between seniors and juniors. In order to further strengthen the relationship between seniors and juniors


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How to Cite

Daenseekaewtan, N. (2022). The commitment of undergraduate students of Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 11(2), 42–50. retrieved from

