Model for waste management with community participation in Muang Sam Sip District, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Samai Phulthong Muang Sam Sip District Public Health Office
  • Supaporn Paeyo Muang Sam Sip District Health Board


Waste management, community participation


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the factors affecting the results of solid waste management by community involvement Muang Sam Sip District Ubon Ratchathani Province 2) to create a solid waste management model with community participation Muang Sam Sip District Ubon Ratchathani Province 3) to evaluate the use of the solid waste management model with community participation. Muang Sam Sip District Ubon Ratchathani Province The research was divided into 3 phases as follows:

            Phase 1 is a quantitative research to study the factors affecting the results of solid waste management by community involvement Muang Sam Sip District Ubon Ratchathani Province. The sample group consisted of 398 people from the formula of Taro Yamane (Yamane 1973: 727) The data were analyzed by using the multiple linear regression analysis. It was found that the factors affecting the solid waste management results by the participation of the Muang Sam Sip community. Ubon Ratchathani Province is knowledge, awareness, participation in solid waste management. with a multiple correlation coefficient of 0.390.

            Phase 2 is a qualitative research to create a solid waste management model with community participation. Muang Sam Sip District Ubon Ratchathani Province by applying knowledge, perception, participation in solid waste management to prepare a research model by public health officials Executives of local government organizations The committee for improving the quality of life at the district level, community leaders and people representing the community A total of 50 people conducted a brainstorming meeting to improve the solid waste management model with community participation.

            Phase 3 is a quasi-experimental research to evaluate the use of the solid waste management model by the participation of the community Muang Sam Sip District Ubon Ratchathani Province The sample group consisted of 60 people. divided into experimental groups and the control group, each group of 30 households, 1 person each. The experiment was conducted according to the 12-week program. The results showed that the experimental group after the experiment had average scores in knowledge was 9.06 points (S.D.= 0.86), and perceived was 43.53 points (S.D.= 3.55) The participation aspect was 39.33 points (S.D. = 5.32), and the solid waste management behavior was 45.43 points. (S.D.= 6.04) which was higher than before the experiment. and higher than the control group statistically significant at .05


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How to Cite

Phulthong, S. . ., & Paeyo, S. . (2022). Model for waste management with community participation in Muang Sam Sip District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 11(2), 51–65. Retrieved from

