Promoting the health of diabetics with the participation of the Quality of Life Development Committee in Muang Suang District, Roi-Et Province


  • Sirirat Phuengsanthia Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • Vorapoj Promasatayaprot Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • Sumattana Glangkarn Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University


Participation, Quality of Life Development Committee


This research was to study the process of promoting the health if diabetics with the participation of the quality of life development committee in Muang Suang District, Roiet Province. The target group of 67 people consists of the District Quality of Life Development Committee. Mueang Suang District, Roi Et Province, 21 people, Sub-Committee on Quality of Life Development at District Level Mueang Suang District 21 people in Roi Et Province and 25 people with diabetes collected both quantitative and qualitative data by using the tools created. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage, standard deviation. 

The results showed that Health promotion of diabetic patients with the participation of the Committee on Quality of Life Development in Mueang Suang District Roi Et Province found that Most of them had a good level of knowledge, 56.00%. Most of the overall attitudes about self-care had a good attitude, 80.00 percent. Fair use 60.00% of the self-care behaviors of diabetic patients found that diabetic patients had more appropriate behaviors. In terms of health, it was found that body mass index and weight decreased by 64.00% and 60.00%, waist circumference decreased by 60.00%, HbA1C was less than 7, representing 28.00%, a decrease of 76.00% from the original.  district Mueang Suang District Roi Et Province Participate in co-thinking, decision-making, and action. and participate in the follow-up evaluation There were academic subcommittees and diabetes subcommittees as important mechanisms for driving work at the local level.

Therefore, public health agencies should use this model to develop jobs for the target group to have more knowledge and efficiency in their work.


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How to Cite

Phuengsanthia, S., Promasatayaprot, V. ., & Glangkarn, S. (2022). Promoting the health of diabetics with the participation of the Quality of Life Development Committee in Muang Suang District, Roi-Et Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 11(2), 120–128. retrieved from

