Effect of safety program in buddhist novices in Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Chaiyakrit Yokphochanacha Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • Yanitha Paengprakhon Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • Jaruporn Duangsr Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • Kornwika Harasarn Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


Safety program, Buddhist monks and novices


This quasi-experimental research aimed to investigate the effects of a safety program on the Buddhist monks and novices in Ubon Ratchathani Province. A sample random sampling method was employed to select 100 Buddhist monks and novices who have been ordained for at least 1 year. These Buddhist monks and novices received the safety program for 8 consecutive weeks with 4 activities. Paired sample t-test was employed for comparing the effects of the safety program on the Buddhist monks and novices.
          The results showed that It was found that the safety knowledge before receiving the program of 89 Buddhist monks and novices (89.0%) was at a low level. After the program was implemented, the safety knowledge of 98 Buddhist monks and novices (98.0%) was at a high level. The attitudes towards safety and health of 80 Buddhist monks and novices (80.0%) before receiving the program were at a moderate level. However, after doing the activities in the program, the attitudes of 90 Buddhist monks and novices (90%) were higher at a high level. The safety behaviors of 76 Buddhist monks and novices (76.0%) before the activities were organized were at a moderate level. After organizing the activities, the safety behaviors of 69 Buddhist monks and novices (69.0%) were at a high level. When comparing the overall mean scores before and after implementing the safety program in all 3 aspects, namely safety knowledge, safety attitudes and safety behaviors among the Buddhist novices, it was found that there were significant differences at p< 0.001 level.
       In conclusion, this indicates that implementing a safety program through a systematic social support process will result in a better direction of changing knowledge Attitudes and safety behaviors among the Buddhist monks and novices.  


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How to Cite

Yokphochanacha, C. ., Paengprakhon, Y. ., Duangsr, J. ., & Harasarn, K. . (2023). Effect of safety program in buddhist novices in Ubon Ratchathani Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 12(2), 5–14. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/261450

